Hasilnya dapat anda publikasikan langsung ke dalam format .swf atau dapat anda selipkan langsung ke dalam halaman html blog anda, dan dapat juga dibuat file berdiri sendiri dalam format.exe sehingga dapat dinikmati langsung hasilnya.

Publisher Site Here!
What can Pixifex do for you? In a nutshell, Pixifex creates real-time awesome Flash picture effects, which you then can process in Adobe/Macromedia Flash.Due to the file size of pictures, perhaps you find they are less suitable to be used on ordinary web sites. Even if so, for your CD-ROM productions or intranet web sites, Pixifex is a real boon.Pixifex effects have the great advantage that they can be imported into Flash. This way it's very easy to let the text effects be part of your own created Flash movie. Pixifex' WYSIWYG interface turns the creation of professional text effects into a matter of adjusting some sliders and pressing some buttons. Pixifex' direct processing capabilities make sure that you never have to guess what your settings will look like: you are already looking at the result!
Information :
Name : Pixifex 2.10
Operating System : Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP/Vista.
Size : 853 KB
Website : http://www.goldshell.com/pixifex
Download : Pixifex 2.10
Blogged with the Flock Browser
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